I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready for a relaxing weekend at home.
This is the first weekend in the last, what, two months that we have zero plans.
And I. Can't. Wait.
Get me home and in my pjs, stat.
Oh yeah, and those of you who are prepping for two glorious weeks off work can shove it.
I'm talking to you, teacher friends!
And you people who are better at saving up vacation days than I am!
Okay, you don't really have to shove it.
But can you at least make and deliver treats to those of us that will still be at work?
It's only fair.
1. Have you snagged your gold mug from Anthropologie yet? I'm pretty certain I'm the last blogger on the planet to not own this mug, and I reaaaaally want it. {hint to anyone who wants to buy me a Christmas gift...anyone?}
2. Yesterday was mine and Joe's five year anniversary. I can't believe how quickly these five years have flown, and how much we've grown as individuals and as a couple. It's pretty incredible. To celebrate, we went to Campania for dinner {amazing!!!} and cuddled up on the couch to watch The Holiday. One thing I love about our anniversary being around Christmastime - Joe will watch a girly Christmas movie with me with minimal complaints. It's my annual Christmas miracle!
He also sent me some pretty sweet prezzies while I was at work. <3
3. My office's ugly sweater pot luck went well. So much good food! I decorated my green sweater dress to resemble a tree {the best I could,'s short-sleeve after all}.
I think it turned out pretty darn good for being a night-before-the-party craft! For any of you that have parties like this to go to, all I did was raid the dollar store, buy some tacky decorations, and safety pin everything to my dress. No hot glue required!
4. Is it too late in the season to make cereal coated pumpkin french toast? Because I've had this recipe saved on my desktop since October and am just now realizing that I have a free weekend. #pumpkinforever
5. Two weeks ago, Kroger had a sale on those aluminum pie tins you can buy. So, naturally, I stocked up. I mean a girl never knows how many pies she's going to need to make. Then, I discovered these. And now I believe it was divine intervention that led me to Kroger that day. Who wants cinnamon rolls?
6. I'm officially obsessed with that One Direction song Story of My Life. Sorry I'm not sorry.
7. This weekend I really want to try this mulled wine recipe. Joe is swearing he's had mulled wine before and hates it. Someone please confirm that he must be wrong and needs to give it another shot.
8. I'm also dying to try these gingerbread cookies. I love the snowflake idea, but I'm having the worst time finding a cookie cutter I like. Suggestions?
9. Saved the best for last. If you've been following this here blog for awhile, you know that my boyfriend has the biggest sweet tooth on the planet. Particularly after I make something healthy for dinner, which I can't fault him for. I'd like some chocolate after my broccoli too, thanks! Over the past year, I've made these peanut butter chocolate chip ramekin cookies a good handful {or two} of times, and they always turn out great. This is the best ramekin recipe I have found {they never come out dry!}, and it's totally perfect for the night where you want something sweet but really don't want to make an entire batch of cookies for yourself.
4 tbsp butter
1/3 cup reduced fat peanut butter
1/4 cup white sugar
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
1 egg
splash of vanilla extract
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
3/4 cup (plus 2 tbsp) unbleached all-purpose flour
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly grease the inside of three small ramekins with cooking spray.
Combine the flour, baking soda, and salt in a bowl. Whisk to incorporate and get rid of any lumps.
Combine butter, peanut butter, white sugar, and brown sugar in a bowl and beat on medium until incorporated, 1-2 minutes.
Add egg and vanilla to peanut butter mixture, and beat for another 15-30 seconds.
Slowly add the flour mixture, a little bit at a time, beating on low speed to incorporate.
Fill the ramekins halfway with dough, and bake for 18-20 minutes, until slightly brown on top but still doughy in the center. A toothpick will still come out clean even though they're gooey, so that's a good way to check if they're done!
Sprinkle with chocolate chips {optional}, and serve immediately!
These are really easy to throw together and are a nice little indulgence on a weeknight when you're parked in front of the TV watching Biggest Loser and thinking how nice a cookie would be just about now.
No? Just me?
Well regardless, I recommend you give these a try.
As soon as you're done eating gingerbread and sugar cookies and pecan pies, that is.
Have a great weekend!
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