Friday, December 14, 2012

friday favorites

TGIF ya'll!

What a week.

Even though the heater in my car decided to break the week it actually starts to feel like December here {just my luck}, so many good things happened this week that I'm really not even that mad about it.
I'm all glass-half-full over here, obviously.

Tonight is Joe's company Christmas party, so I'm excited to get all dressed up and spend a night in the city at the Fox Theatre having cocktails and finally meeting all the people I've heard so much about over the last year and a half.
I can't remember the last time I:
1. Got all dressed up {graduation dinner maybe?}, or;
2. Went to the Fox Theatre.

It's going to be so fun!

Do you guys have any fun plans or parties to attend this weekend?
I am engulfed with the holiday spirit this year so I'd love to hear about them!

Here are some things I'm loving this week/reasons why I'm so optimistic despite my car troubles:

1.  Finally finished our very first Christmas card!

Please excuse the horrible bright faces {I promise it doesn't look that way in person} - I just couldn't seem to get a good picture for some reason!
But you get the idea.
And let me also point out how much I love receiving cards that have pets on them.

my sweet friend, Kayla, with her boyfriend and their awesome pets

2. Speaking of pets - AJ has been amazing company this week while Joe's been out of town.

He has been so clingy this week, and I love every second of it.
Cuddle away, you adorable pup you.

Side note - my couch covers are giving me anxiety.  They refuse to stay in place, and if they had a face I'd punch it.

3. Surprises at work

Two of my favorite surprises this week have been the Dove dark chocolate bar and the biggest peppermint mocha I've ever had in my life.
Have I mentioned how much I love my bosses?

4. Heartwarming dinners

Pictured above is my first attempt at Chipotle White Chicken Chili {recipe to come on Monday!}, and let me just tell you...
Delicious is an understatement.
My love affair with all things Mexican continues.

5. New snacks

I am totally digging pomegranates right now.
I had no idea how good the actual fruit is!
I was intimidated by them for so long that I never even went as far as buying one, and now I realize what a mistake that was.
When I finally gained the courage to get one, I found this ridiculously simple tutorial on how to deseed it.
So if you haven't tried a pomegranate yet, I suggest you get one immediately and use that tutorial because it worked like a charm!

6. Finished banner

I used the free printable letters I shared a few weeks ago to make a Christmas banner for our place.
I think it adds just the right festive touch above our little bar window.

Happy weekend friends!

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