Friday, April 11, 2014

i'll be here...

photo cred
In a couple of hours, Joe and I are off for a weekend of wine tasting in my dreamland - Napa Valley!

He's been traveling so much lately, particularly to California, so we decided it was time I tag along and see the sights with him for once.
I mean for a $5 plane ticket, why not?  {Thank you, Delta Skymiles!}

We have a full day planned tomorrow, but there are two things I'm particularly excited about:
1.  We are visiting the Kathryn Hall winery {which, if you've been reading along, you know is where our engagement wine came from}, and;
2.  We're doing an olive oil tasting!  I don't think I've ever had really good olive oil, so I am really interested to see if I can tell a significant difference.  Hopefully I don't get spoiled!

What are you up to this weekend?
Did you make any good meals this week?

Please do tell!
I'm currently in a healthy food rut.
After seven bowls of zucchini soup this week { many leftovers}, "rut" is probably the understatement of the century.

Hope your week didn't drag by as slow as mine did!